Autumn production: When we are Married

Hilary will be directing When we are Married by J.B. Priestley on 14th to 16th of November in the Tilford Institute.

It's a very funny play, set in Yorkshire. Most of the parts have been cast, but if you would like to help with the play in any way, please contact Rob.

Tickets cost £13 (including programme) and can be purchased here:

The Women of Lockerbie

Ruth Ahmed directed The Women of Lockerbie by Deborah Brevoort in early June.

It was a very emotional play about the aftermath of the explosion aboard Pan Am flight 103, and the struggle of the women of Lockerbie to bring comfort to the families of the victims by returning clothing rescued from the wreck.

The production was a triumph - congratulations to all concerned! Click here to see pictures of the production and Alan Goodchild's review in the Farnham Herald.

Tilbourne Players

Tilbourne Players is an enthusiastic group; we put on three productions a year at the Tilford Institute, near Farnham, Surrey.

If you would like to receive 'Dramatic News', an occasional newsletter with details of all our future plays and events, please send us an email to be added to the mailing list.